The multiplier event for the project "SPOTit: Combatting fake news in social media" was held with great interest and active participation, on Thursday 12 January 2023, in Patras, at the MOSAIC cultural and creative space.

The pilot testing of the two SPOTit Digital Breakout Rooms "Democracy" and "Active Engagement" highlighted the impact that modern educational materials have on youth and youth workers.

Erasmus project SPOTit - Combatting fake news in social media ends in January 2023. The project brings very interesting and useful results for youth workers and all other stakeholders who work with young people in the field of media literacy and combatting fake news.

On the 19 January Forwardspace organized an international SPOTit conference in Pärnu. The conference took place in the youth innovation center HUUB. Different stakeholders were invited and representatives from youth organizations, schools, local area developers attended the conference.

Transnational project meeting in Pärnu

SPOTit project last transnational meeting was held in January in Pärnu. Partners from GEOSS, FIP and University of Patras attended the meeting physically. Partner from CARDET participated at the meeting via Zoom call.

Konec decembra smo z navdušenjem prejeli obvestilo, da je bil na nacionalni agenciji v Estoniji v okviru programa Erasmus + odobren projekt SPOTit - Boj proti lažnim novicam v družbenih omrežjih v katerem je partner Izobraževalni center Geoss.