The spread of disinformation has become a persistent challenge for the functioning of our democracies, affecting people's understanding of reality. SPOTit is a 2-year Erasmus+ project which responds to this challenge by developing young people’s media literacy skills. SPOTit developed innovative digital resources and harness powerful open-source technologies for vlogging to empower young people to critically assess the information they come across on social media. Additionally, the project foresees and emphasises the development of crucial 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, communication, and collaboration, building young people’s capacity for civic participation and active engagement.

Research shows that the most popular false information pieces in social media usually attract much more attention than real information, and false information spreads widely and very quickly across the web and reaches a huge population on social media (Kumar & Shah, 2018). Therefore, it is highly important to develop critical thinking and focus on media literacy initiatives which, according to the EU Media Literacy Expert Group, “includes all technical, cognitive, social, civic and creative capacities that allow a citizen to access, have a critical understanding of the media and interact with it” (Council of Europe).